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HTI2 - Journal Week 04 'Nordic Talking - Beyond IKEA'

The 'Scandinavian Design' of our local context can be seen in our homes, like our sofas, bed, and chairs. Before the British Colonization, Singaporeans used to sleep on wooden or rattan bed without mattress, sitting on sofas that is entirely made out from wood, and chairs made from wood, natural stone, or rattan. Before the plastic chairs shown above were created, Singaporeans were used to sitting on wooden, natural stone, and rattan chairs which were inconvenient to stack and put away. So when the plastic chairs were invented, it became a very popular trend in Singapore due to the fact it is very durable and also stackable for people with very large family and convenient for food stores and restaurant to keep them away for the night.

Other furniture that is similar to the plastic chair are the beds we sleep on, Singaporeans used to sleep on straw mats, wooden bed without mattress, or on a rattan bed. However, as we grow as a country, we were influenced by the western culture in sleeping on soft mattress with proper bedframes.

Due to the constant warm and humid weather in Singapore, our furniture designs were also slowing adapting to the climate. The plastic chairs were one of them as other than being able to stack and keep away, it is also very cooling to sit on as it have ventilation holes on the chair. Other examples can also be seen on the material used in Singapore, most of the material used are humid resistant and heat resistant.

Therefore the 'Scandinavian Design' in Singapore isn't much about the style of it but it is based on our cultural identity, and the influence of the weather.


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