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HTI2 - Journal Week 05 'No Logo - Naomi Klein'

After watching the following clip: "Advertising" - Mad Men, if I am the junior creative in that team I would've represented realism of the product by bringing out and highlighting the positive of the product instead of the negative like "it's organic with no pesticides added" or "freshly toasted straight from the farm". People tend to buy products that highlights the positive of where it's from and how it's made than focusing on the negative effect of it.

My expectation of a good brand is that the brand thinks about user's ergonomics, how it will affect the environment, user's aesthetics, and fairly paid workers.

For ergonomics and eco friendliness, Apple Inc. has better ergonomics, like it's Mac charger for example it can be taken apart to allow to connect an extension cord for a seamless look, also allowing users to purchase it's World Travel Adapter Kit to connect the Apple's Mac charger smoothly. It is also officially in the green since 2018 where Apple's stores, offices, data centres have run on 100 per cent renewable energy and their operations are all carbon-neutral too. Whereas Xiaomi is failing behind in sustainability performance as the company does not publicly report on it's overall material use, or data on it's take-back efforts. However, comparing Xiaomi's and Apple's phone specification, some of Xiaomi's phone easily win Apple as it is cheaper and better.

On the left is Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max while on the right is Poco NFC x3, Poco is a brand from Xiaomi and it only costs from SGD$300+ while an iPhone 12 Pro Max costs from SGD$1,799+.


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