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HTI2 - Journal Week 08 'Eco-Design: Counter Cultures in Design'

The difference between the Karung Guni Man and Jackie Tan, a designer, is that Jackie Tan upcycles materials from old furniture and unwanted materials into something new to bring awareness about things that are discarded daily to encourage society to be creative with the materials. On the other hand, the Karung Guni Man also known as rag-and-bone man, collects cardboard, newspapers, clothes, and old furniture to sell them to be eventually recycled and reused. Therefore, it is the Karung Guni Man that has applied the cradle-to-cradle design initiative.

Our ethical role as designers is to prevent unnecessary waste being generated via products consumed. If we were to design a product which is not environmentally friendly or sustainable, we will contribute to global warming and the greenhouse effects causing the Earth’s surface to warm up which in turns making Singapore warmer with a higher humidity to live in.

NEWater is a good example of sustainability in Singapore for being a sustainable water source which recycles our treated water into ultra-clean, high-grade reclaimed water.

NEWater helps with cushioning Singapore’s water supply against dry weather. However, NEWater currently only makes up only 40% of Singapore’s water supply and is expected to rise to 50% by 2030. That means majority of Singapore’s water supply are still imported from other countries.


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