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HTI2 - Journal Week 10 'Haptic Tactile'

I feel that if our body are located in space, we would feel lighter like how we float easily in water and we would be able to move our body about freely like how it feels like flapping our arms up and down.

We rarely feel aware about our body occupying the space and the space we inhabits, however, when the space is small and cramp we will start to feel the space we take up. E.g.: in a crowded elevator, on the escalator, in a train full of people, etc.

The advertisement on Apple MacBook Air made me think of how smooth the fabric is triggering my sense of touch, how light the fabric is that it flows around the laptop, how cooling the metal of the laptop feel compared to the smoothness of the fabric. Watching the advertisement also triggers my sense of smell from a new tech device.


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