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HTI2 - Journal Week 11 'Singapore Songlines'

Nakagin Capsule Tower was designed by Kisho Kurokawa with the intention of housing traveling businessmen that worked in central Tokyo. Tokyo is the capital and most populous prefecture of Japan, therefore renting an apartment would be difficult to find and very expensive to live in.

Republic Polytechnic was designed by Fumihiko Maki to not let innovation be limited to technology and environment, but constantly challenge our premonition of space. The campus has multiple sustainable features to create an inviting green campus as well as reducing our carbon footprint.

Singapore's design culture is made up of sustainable features to house more people. Singapore is known to promote green living and saving the Earth as well as having tall buildings all around Singapore to accommodate with the increase of citizens.

Retail in the future can be having malls in sky parks of apartments or having it being dispersed around blocks of building.


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