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HTI3 - Journal Week 05 'Meshes of The Afternoon'

The film overall is very eerie and almost trance like feel. The editing contain lots of jump-cuts and striking background sound elicits an unnatural feeling of being in a inescapable dream.

Fig. 01 - Protagonist trying to regain her balance while the camera angles represent her being disorientated.

At the start of the film, the woman returns home after picking up a flower. The scene looks like someone else is in her house but later it shows that it was actually an action made by her past/present/future self. With repetitive indications like the flower, the house key falling down the stairs, the unplugged telephone, a cloaked figure with a mirror as it's face walking away, these indications forces the protagonist to retrace her footsteps over and over, almost like trying to remember something but couldn't put her finger on it causing her to become disorientated which is shown through multiple tilting camera angles and the protagonist tripping and trying to regain her balance. (Fig.01)

Fig. 02 - Protagonist trying to stab herself to end this never ending loop of repeating her actions over and over again.

The film manages to show the sudden feeling of jolting awake when the protagonist decided to stab a clone of her lying on the couch in an attempt to end this never-ending sequence. (Fig.02) However, the protagonist jolted awake seeing that a man is standing before her, waking her up.

Fig. 03 - The cloaked figure and the man's action were the same, hinting us that the protagonist have not yet woken up from her dream.

The man walks in front of the protagonist up to the bedroom and arranging the bed for her similar to how the cloaked figure with a mirror as it's face previously did, this scene hinted that the protagonist is still in the dream realm and have yet to wake up (Fig.03). When the woman realized that she is still dreaming, she broke the man's reflection trying to get out.

In my opinion, this film shows how the protagonist deals with memories and trauma, being reminded of what happened over again. Trying to forget the past, as well as reliving them, unable to truly forget.


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