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HTI3 - Journal Week 14 'Calatrava' (E-Learning)

Santiago Calatrava Valls (Fig.01), born in 28 July 1951, is a Spanish architect, structural engineer, sculptor, and painter. Santiago Calatrava's architecture design together with his knowledge of engineering symbolizes the perfect combination at it's finest. Having the additional skillset of being a sculptor and a painter aid him unknowingly advocate what a true Designer should be, embracing and appreciating the different form of art. Santiago Calatrava carried out a thorough analysis for anatomy of humans, birds, and other animals that made his designs reflect his philosophy.

Fig. 03 - L'Hemisfèric and Museu de les Ciencies Principe Felipe in the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia (source:

Many of Santiago Calatrava's inspiration stems from the human body, animals, and the nature as he is fascinated by the complexities of the human body. From the Turning Torso (Fig.02) building which resembles the spine of a human to the L'Hemisfèric and Museu de les Ciencies Principe Felipe in the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia (Fig. 03) which resembles the skeleton of a whale.

In design, it is important to be able to sketch out the design as it is a spontaneous and efficient ways of capturing and visioning the idea that is in our minds in order to investigate and analyze it. Being a painter and a sculptor, Santiago Calatrava's method of designing is what everyone categorize an artist is. People like me, who studies and practice art of different forms can easily relate to his work and approach that considers architecture to be a form of art too.

Many of Santiago Calatrava's project have a distinct style to them, many of which are classified as a futuristic and optimistic change to the area. However, I think that if all buildings were to be sculpted and designed to be 'futuristic', it would not come off as 'optimistic'. Instead, it will give off a dystopian feel as nothing is special and everything is the same.

Fig. 04 - Peace Bridge between Canada and United States (source:

An example of it is the Peace Bridge (Fig.04) located between Canada and United states and served as the busiest border crossing. (Gray, 2022) Although the peace bridge was constructed to resemble a finger trap game did not stand out from it's surrounding like multiple of Santiago Calatrava's build, it became an iconic landmark between the United States and Canada as there were multiple controversies surrounding the bridge before it was constructed. If it wasn't for the controversies, the bridge would not stand out and would just be "another new build" in the area. As another bridge called the George King bridge (Fig. 05) was built a year later that is connected to St. Patrick's Island with "no controversy at all" after a design competition was held, is a modern and beautiful build. However, George King bridge did not get the same recognition as the Peace Bridge. (MacVicar, 2022)

However, I feel that even if the build is unique, it should not stand out like a sore thumb and must fit in the context of the area. Just like the James Joyce Bridge in Dublin (Fig. 06) that Santiago Calatrava designed, although the style is of futuristic and clean, it does not quite fit into the surrounding buildings as the area looks like a small quiet town and out of no where there is this modern stark white build which stands out a lot.

Word count: 524


Jordan Gray. 2022. History, Design & Construction of the Peace Bridge [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 21 July 2022].

Adam MacVicar. 2022. Calgary's once-contentious Peace Bridge turns 10 years old [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 21 July 2022].

ArchDaily. 2015. ArchDaily Interviews: Santiago Calatrava [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 21 July 2022].

Nowness. 2016. Architect Santiago Calatrava [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 21 July 2022].


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