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HTI3 - Journal Week 17 'Rabbit Proof Fence' (E-Learning)

The state portrayed in the film is an authoritarian state. As the Aborigines natives are in control of Auber Octavius Neville who is a British-Australian public servant and is also the Chief Protector of Aborigines. Auber Octavius Neville is the official guardian to the natives and he has a strong belief in the need to breed out the coloured population.

Fig. 01 - Daisy and Gracie looking fearful when they are being taken away from their mothers forcefully. (source:

The measures of control depicted in the film are the use of violence, torture, and intimidation. As the government are capturing the children to bring them to Moore River Native Settlement, which was originally intended to be a self-supporting farming community but it ended up turning into a combination of prison camp, welfare hostel, and dumping ground for the elderly and destitute. Right after the man put the children in the seat (Fig.01), he warned them not to move or else he will lock his mother up - suggesting that they often imprisoned the Aborigines natives when they misbehave or disobey them.

Fig. 02 - The girls are being kept in a cage during transportation to the Moore River Native Settlement. (source:

Discipline is managed by instilling fear from the government. They would use violence and threats against the Aborigines people as a form of showing 'power' and control. Like keeping the girls in a huge cage when the government is transporting them to the Moore River Native Settlement (Fig. 02).

Fig. 03 - A girl who ran away and got caught, now suffer the punishment of her actions. (source:

There's also a girl who ran away to meet her boyfriend only to be caught back to Moore River Native Settlement, after she arrived, she was locked up, caned, and have her hair cut short so that the girl and the rest will be fearful of escaping the area.

A dystopian society is being depicted in the film as the government try to have control over the Aborigines people. However, there is also some utopian scenes being depicted as along the way, there are families and other Aborigines who aid the girls in their escape by giving them food and directions instead of capturing them and giving them back to the government.

Word count: 319


Nicholas Perpitch. 2018. The Moore River Aboriginal Settlement: A journey into 'hell on Earth' [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 05 August 2022].

A. Haebich & R. H.W. Reece. 2006. Neville, Auber Octavius (1875-1954) [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 05 August 2022].

BGirlFreezinLegz. 2011. Rabbit Proof Fence [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 05 August 2022].


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