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HTI3 - Journal Week 18 'Memory - Henri Bergson'

Consider the 2 notions of memories - Where is your body located in space?

The two notions of memories as described by Henri Bergson (Fig. 01) are habitude memories and pure memories. To me, a habitude memory is like a language; something that we need to know and understand in order to live properly. I have no recollection of any specific space in a habitude memory, however, I am able to recall how to read, write, and speak.

Fig. 02 - Third person view in a game (Players Unknown's Battleground) (source: own)

True memories allow me to go back in time mentally as I am able to remember details more clearly but my body is not located to where I used to stand but as a third person viewing a scene (Fig. 02).

Where, in relation to your body to the space that it occupies currently to the space it used to occupy - 5 years ago? What has changed? What has remained?

The space that my body occupies 5 years ago when I was 19 has changed a lot throughout the years. The changes comes from the growth, maturity, and lifestyle that I've adapted over the years, from learning how to live life as a young adult to having to financially support my studies. The memories that remained are the lessons and experiences that I had gained over time. Experiences which helped me to navigate life a little bit easier and less rebellious over the things I am not able to control.

Fig. 03 - Rooms in Habbo hotel in a empty void (source: own)

How much can you remember spaces? Re-construct your memories which you can recall

I don't remember spaces as it is, I remember spaces in fragments, which are floating around in a dark void (Fig.03). My memories are usually triggered by a certain smell, which brings me back to the exact moment where I have experienced the smell before. However, I don't remember much about spaces in real life, I am only able to recall spaces clearly that I have come across in my dreams. For example, I had this dream regularly when I was younger that I am visiting a double volume warehouse shop that sells bicycle with pods that allows salesman to talk to their clients in private and a main office on the 2nd floor right in the middle at the end of the space. Where suddenly there is an orange octopus carrying a AK-47 gun busting through the main office door and starts to shoot everyone and we ran out the front door which looks like an industrial building from outside. When I became much older, I am able to control what happens in that dream and starts to change things around like having the octopus forgetting it's gun and taking the chance to run out or I get out of the building before everyone else.


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