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HTI3 - Journal Week 05 'What is Bayhem'

Fig 01 - Having an item in the foreground, mid-ground, and background allow viewers to gauge the scale of things.

After watching "What is Bayhem" by Tony Zhou, although I agree that Michael Bay's merits are having lots of dynamic camera movements with extreme close up or wide shots to further emphasize the scene (Fig.01).

Fig 02 - Zooming in on the character when they are talking creates a tense feeling.

I do not agree that it is overused, the scenes where Tony Zhou pointed out to be complete gibberish actually stands out more with the dynamic camera movement than if it is a still shot (Fig.02). However, the de-merits of having many dynamic movements can sometimes make the viewers feel motion sick and the viewers' will have a hard time catching what's happening in the film visually.


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